This dog is the only surviving pup from a litter created by the dogman pictured below. Although he retained almost all of his dog features, he really got his father's eyes.
A result of a freak accident at a joint nuclear power plant/cosmetic manufacturer lead to the incredible creation you see today. Although this combination is extremely unfortunate, it's refreshing to see a creature who enjoys parks, ice cream, and smiling.
Do you really want to eat me? I'm a French Toadster. I am a prestigious artist asshole and I like to eat flies. I look yummy, but I have a soul. Don't eat me. Please. Noooooo!
Stay away from this terror of the tundra. Foxes have always been dangerous, however a new breed of fox has been discovered. Fully equipped with a stinger full of venom, the mice of the world have a new mortal enemy
The Finned Giraffe is incredibly dangerous and roams the sahara dessert waiting for prey. Unlike the normal giraffe which is able to hold large quantities of water in its hump, the finned giraffe stores blood. It drinks the blood of almost any creature mostly living off of lizards and scorpions. However, it loves larger mammals and has attacked and killed humans.
This incredible animal only has two legs, ON THE SAME SIDE. The horse has incredible balance and moves with a run bounce. The horse is actually quite fast and agile. The horse is owned by a rancher in Northern Montana and on the weekends allows people to come see the incredible horse.